
  • AVAILABLE FOR PRE-ORDER. Estimated dispatch date 17/02/2025 ‘My Ramadan Companion’ is a daily guide to help you deepen your relationship with Allah. It explores how you can strive to become His true servants, and strengthen your īmān. It helps you gain new habits, discard the bad ones, and truly transform your life. The book consists of 30 reminders, one for each day of Ramaḍān. Each section ends with prompts to ‘reflect and act’ which we pray you will find beneficial. It may be helpful for you to have a journal/notebook for the reflective exercises. We also recommend gathering your family for 5-10 minutes every day this Ramaḍān to read and reflect on the day’s reminder.
    • 30 easy-to-read daily reminders and reflection exercises
    • ‘Reflect and Act’ prompts to help you cultivate new habits
    • An abridged version of ‘Journey to Allah in Ramadan’
    • Just 4 minutes a day to read!
    Download, read, print and share with family and friends
  • AVAILABLE FOR PRE-ORDER. Estimated dispatch date 19/02/2025 ‘Journey to Allah in Ramadan’ is a guide to deepen our relationship with Allah and accelerate our journey to Him in this blessed month. By delving into the inner dimensions of fasting and other acts of worship, the book explores how we can strive to become His true servants and taste the sweetness of īmān.
    • Deepen your relationship with Allah and accelerate your journey to Him
    • 30+ reminders to taste the sweetness of īmān and worship
    • Just 7 minutes a day to read!
    Download, read, print and share with family and friends
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