Teaching Resources
Suitable for secondary school students, madrasahs, and adults
In this eye-opening presentation, explore what life is like for Palestinians, review the virtues of al-Masjid al-Aqsa and learn about the current crisis in Gaza.
- Deliver a workshop in your school/masjid/local centre and educate your students/congregations.
- Education is power. We have to know the history and context of the plight of our brothers and sisters in Gaza.
- It is essential that educators read the speaker notes and research the topic BEFORE delivering the session.

1. History & Action Plan
- This presentation can be taught over 1 long session or split into 2 sessions.
- Slide 32 is optional and is a good place to end session 1.
(195 mb)
Action Points
Kahoot Quiz

2. A Qur’anic Lens
- The Qur’ān is our ultimate guide – it contains timeless lessons and provides the solutions to all our challenges.
- Through this engaging and thought-provoking presentation, teach your students/participants how to view the crisis in Palestine through a Qur’ānic Lens.
- The PPT incorporates audio and visual elements to enhance the learning experience.