The Adhkar Series

  • Download PDF copies of "Adhkar After Salaah" The PDF's have been formatted for A5, A4 & A3 Paper Sizes
  • Download PDF copies of "Adhkar After Salaah" The PDF's have been formatted for A5, A4 & A3 Paper Sizes
    • General Adhkar
    • Adhkar of the Morning & Evening
    • Adhkar before Sleep
    • Adhkar after Salah
    • Adhkar of other actions
    The maximum limit for this product is "2" if you require more, please email [email protected]
    • Updated design
    • A5 size
    • Arabic/English (Naskh Font)
    • Urdu/English (IndoPak Font)
    • Fully vowelled and easy to read.
    The maximum limit for this product is "2" if you require more, please email [email protected]
    • A pocket-sized pamphlet with the all main adhkār in Arabic.
    • Very convenient to keep in your pocket, handbag and on your bedside table.
    • Fully vowelled and easy to read.
    The maximum limit for this product is "5" if you require more, please email [email protected]
    • What is Du‘ā’?
    • How to make Du‘ā’
    • The Most Beautiful Names of Allah
    • Praises of Allah & Ṣalawāt
    • Du‘ās from the Qur’ān (Rabbanā)
    • Du‘ās from the Sunnah
    The maximum limit for this product is "1". Very Limited Stock
  • A concise leaflet explaining ’10 reasons for why you need to read the Morning and Evening Adhkār’ along with the adhkār in Arabic.
    The maximum limit for this product is "2" if you require more, please email [email protected]  
  • A Remedy for Evil Eye, Magic, Jinn and Illnesses from the Qur’ān and Sunnah
    • Qur'anic Verses & Sunnah Du'as
    • Treating Evil Eye, Magic & Jinn
    • Safeguarding Oneself
    • Sunnah Medicine
    • FAQs
    The maximum limit for this product is "2" if you require more, please email [email protected]
    • A pocket-sized pamphlet with the all the Ruqyah adhkār in Arabic.
    • Very convenient to keep in your pocket, handbag and on your bedside table.
    • Fully vowelled and easy to read.
    The maximum limit for this product is "2" if you require more, please email [email protected]
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